Partition a disk for os x capitan on windows
Partition a disk for os x capitan on windows

partition a disk for os x capitan on windows
  1. Partition a disk for os x capitan on windows how to#
  2. Partition a disk for os x capitan on windows mac os#
  3. Partition a disk for os x capitan on windows Pc#

If it reads “ Mac OS Extended (Journaled)”, congratulations, you successfully restored the grayed-out Disk Utility and your hard disk is now compatible with macOS. The information is available under Format. When done, confirm if the formatting was successful by right-clicking the icon for your disk on the desktop and then choosing Get Info.The process usually takes less than a minute, but it depends on the size of your hard disk. Wait for the formatting process to complete.You can also rename your hard disk here to your desired name.

Partition a disk for os x capitan on windows Pc#

But if you have plans to use your disk for both PC and Mac, then a better option is ‘ ExFAT’. For your case, you will select ‘ Mac OS Extended (Journaled)’.

  • Wait for a window asking you to select the file system you want to use to format your external drive to pop up.
  • Highlight the disk and click the Erase button in the top toolbar. If your hard drive is connected, it will show in the left panel of the Disk Utility.
  • Choose the drive name within the list provided under ‘ External’.
  • Open Disk Utility by going to Applications, then select Utilities > Disk Utility.
  • To format your external disk to be compatible with macOS, connect your hard drive to the Mac and follow these steps:

    Partition a disk for os x capitan on windows how to#

    How to Restore Grayed Out Disk Utility Partition: Format Your Hard Drive to Work with Mac

    partition a disk for os x capitan on windows

    Your hard drive will be available on the left side of the Disk Utility pane. Solution: The right way you should follow when selecting a partition option is to choose the drive name within the list provided under Internal or External (depending on the device you want to partition). In most cases, users choose the wrong partitioning option, and as a result, the Partition option in Disk Utility remains grayed out.

    partition a disk for os x capitan on windows

    Problem 2: As mentioned earlier, external drives are usually not compatible with macOS, which may bring issues when you want to partition. Needless to say, the process will get rid of all the data on the disk, so you risk losing your files for good. Important Note: Before formatting your hard drive, back up your most important files. After that, go ahead with your partitioning plans. You can then format your hard drive using GUID Partition Table. In other words, you have to erase the data on your drive to create additional space. Solution: If you want to go ahead with the partitioning task, you need to create more space on your hard drive. Problem 1: Sometimes, you cannot access the Mac Disk Utility partition because your hard drive doesn’t have sufficient space. Why Partition Grayed Out in Mac (Plus Solution) About Outbyte, uninstall instructions, EULA, Privacy Policy. Many Apple users who have faced Partition grayed out in Mac issues eventually partitioned their external hard drives with the help of these fixes. In this post, we will guide you through a step-by-step process on how to restore a grayed-out Disk Utility partition. But somehow, you cannot access the Mac Disk Utility partition, so you can’t write data to the drive.įear not, we have a solution to this problem. Probably, you just bought your external hard drive and are eager to use it on your Mac. In a thread on Apple’s support forum, users complain that their Mac Disk Utility partition grayed-out while trying to partition their external hard drives. Hard drive partitioning is a common issue discussed in many tech forums. By default, a Mac runs a different file system, so it may bring issues while partitioning your disk on Disk Utility. However, the main concern is that most external hard drives and USB keys come formatted for Windows, which is primarily for PCs. Partitioning a disk on a Mac is an effective way to organize your data into different categories.

    Partition a disk for os x capitan on windows